56 research outputs found


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    Sustainability is a very widespread concept in recent decades, with growing interest among academic researchers. Considering the environmental imbalance and the climatic changes caused by the predatory action of man, its study gains a configuration of great relevance in face of the planetary emergency. The term has been discussed by renowned authors such as Caride & Meira, 2004; Fien & Tilbury, 2002; Freitas, 2000; Garcia & Vergara, 2000; Guerra, 2009; Sachs, 2004; Meira & Sato, 2005, apud Faustino and Amador, 2019, who affirm that the various definitions of Sustainable Development, in line with the Brundtland report, are supported by a highly anthropocentric and deeply economics vision that leads “nature to be seen essentially as a resource, which is perceived as an object that man uses, explores and discards according to his needs and desires for capital accumulation (Bonnett, 2007, p. 3).International organizations, governments, companies, communities, even people and children already refer to the term frequently. But, the question is: What sustainability is each talking about?This is an ever-present challenge that must be pursued through community participation, studies and scientific research that can contribute to shedding light on different sectors or segments where sustainability, quality of life and improvement of living conditions are sought for all, living and non-living beings that make up this universe called “Planet Earth”.In order to contribute to the sustainability debate, this issue was opened by the article COSMOCENA ECOLOGY: AN ECOLOGY OF DIFFERENCES “as part of Political Ecology as an expression of Environmental Ecology, which can be recognized as an Ecology of Differences”, by Pereira and Amaral, who they emphasize that the “socio-environmental pathologies of the modern scientific paradigm, and of the capitalist production mode, revealed insufficiencies both in rationality and in the way of production in managing and preserving life”.The CHALLENGES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH NETWORK IN RESIDENTIAL CLIMATE DEVELOPMENT - RIPEDRC are presented by Carniatto et al who, based on the assessment of the impacts of climate change on the agricultural sector, and also on the countless urban activities, warn that “climate change is a of the great challenges of the 21st century, stressing that its consequences would make world trade and peace unstable”. That in order to face this climate emergency, the RIPEDRC Network presents the need for cooperation between the different countries immediately. And other studies...We invite you to read, publicize and present your research to our journa

    Formação em Educação Ambiental para professores da Rede Pública de Ensino - SOS Fauna

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: Meio AmbienteO projeto foi desenvolvido pelo Parque das Aves, em parceria com UNIOESTE, Núcleo Regional de Educação e Parque Nacional do Iguaçu(PNI). O SOS FAUNA traz a formação para a ética do cuidado e senso de pertencimento ao PNI e se realizou como formação continuada para professores da Rede Estadual de Ensino com foco na fauna do PNI, consistindo de encontros presenciais e atividades desenvolvidas nas escolas participantes. A formação realizada em 2016 alcançou 39 professores, de 19 escolas, com 807 alunos de 5 municípios lindeiros ao PN

    International effort to create the International Journal of Environmental Resilience Research and Science (IJERRS) - EDITORIAL

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    We live in an odd moment in our society, when Planet Earth shows signs of exhaustion of its capacity to support Life.The term resilience has come to be well known, mainly through the media and scientific studies. Environmental resilience is a planetary condition that is sought and must be pursued through public policies and daily actions of each being that inhabits the Planet.It is with a focus on the need to advance resilience, that we present to the academic community, especially to researchers, managers and the community in general, a publication and a new communication channel - International Journal of Environmental Resilience Research and Science (IJERRS), whose first edition is the result of scientific research and relevant projects presented by the participants of an exciting workshop, where a channel was opened in which you will test ideas, together with policy makers, on the pressing issue of financing the development resilient to the rural and urban climate.Therefore, this magazine is one of the results of the WORKSHOP UNITED KINGDOM - BRAZIL on the "Financing of Urban Development Resilient to Climate", held from September 9 to 12, 2019 in Foz do Iguaçu - Paraná - Brazil.Also, during the Workshop, the International Research Network on Climate Resilient Development - RIPEDRC - Climate Resilience Network was launched, when the researchers, managers and companies present expressed their desire to continue working together to develop innovative projects mainly for the municipalities of the Triple Frontier: Foz do Iguaçu (BR), Cuidad del Este (PY) and Puerto Iguazu (AR), and contributing to the Internationalization of the graduate programs of the universities involved, which bring about an improvement in the quality of life, resilience, territorial intelligence and new ways of living, relating and being in the world.Thus, this journal is the result of this international group of the network that starts its activities with the participation of 75 researchers from 45 institutions in Brazil, the United Kingdom, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, Bolivia, Spain, Italy and other countries that are in study for partnership


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    Reflecting on Our Time“Stop to think about, stop to look around, stop to listen to the other, think carefully, look carefully, and listen carefully; stop to feel the other, feel carefully; dwelling on details, stop hearing your opinion, stop judging, stop your willing, stop with automatic actions, because you need to improve attention and tenderness, open your eyes and ears, talk about what happens to us, learn with no hurry, listen to the others, cultivate the art of getting together, be very quiet, be patient and give yourself some time and space (Jorge LARROSA, 2002, p.24. Our tradution)


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    Este artigo visa apresentar uma prática pedagógica realizada em 2018 no município de Santa Helena, com a participação de alunos do 4° ano do Ensino Fundamental – Anos Iniciais - da Escola Municipal Anita Garibaldi. A prática fundamentada pela perspectiva da educação problematizadora de Paulo Freire teve como propósito problematizar o uso dos agrotóxicos na produção dos alimentos. Concomitantemente as ações foram executadas com o intuito de instrumentalizar os alunos para a organização coletiva no enfrentamento das demandas comunitárias e exercício efetivo da cidadania. O trabalho foi premiado como uma das dez melhores práticas pedagógicas do Estado do Paraná pelo Instituto GRPCOM e Rede de Televisão RPC, através do Concurso Cultural Televisando. Com a apresentação da prática pedagógica por meio deste artigo espera-se inspirar educadores dos anos iniciais e indicar as ações realizadas como possibilidade metodológica para o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico e emancipação humana


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     Two thousand twenty was an awkward and challenging year. Snatched up by a virus, All of a sudden, we saw ourselves working at home. We were physically away from some of the ones we love and from a daily life we were already used to. We have been living a different and introspective year, with social distance under isolation and solitude. At this time, we had the opportunity to withdraw and rethink our purposes, attitudes, values, and our place in the world. We have the chance to think about the meaning of life, look around and see the relationships we have established with one another, with my brotherhood, and with all living and non-living beings that inhabit this planet, our “Common Home”.It is difficult to think of something more challenging and able to test our resilience! This is not only from a personal point of view, but also from a social, economic and environmental point of view. That is why it is important to talk about resilience, discuss it, test it, prove it and approve it. Such resilience has made us face this Pandemic - COVID-19 and fight for our existence, fight for health, look for respect, welcome and solidarity.Many were the examples of people and companies that helped with donations, delivered masks, hospital equipment, food and so on across all places and cities. But the challenges went further. Many hospital beds and ICUs had to be installed. Health professionals, doctors, nurses and so many others were had to and still face this struggle. They are anonymous generals in their barracks who fought this War of Death for Life. Unfortunately, not everyone could be saved from COVID. The number of those who were treated and recovered in Brazil was 6,501.341 people and 44,169.851 patients worldwide, considering this year, 2020. But 2020 will be remembered as a catastrophe and calamity, because despite efforts many fell down. The causalities’ numbers was in Brazil 188,259 and 1,722.307 in the world. An invaluable loss of human life.We also had other losses such as economic, environmental and social, especially in health. Many will be left with afterpains and a weakened wellbeing as a result of this virus infection; thus, it will not be possible to evaluate the extent of this problem. Many people have gotten worse or developed psycho-emotional pathologies such as depression, panic, among them, and their quality of life has been permanently affected.Many challenges since we have been living under a restricted mobility around the world, which had never been witnessed. There were empty streets, closed shops, bus stations and airports without people for several months.It should be told that political crises, the science negationism, discriminatory acts, polarization regarding data and fake news have exacerbated this crisis. A lot of misinformation, attacks on the environment and a sever backtracking of environmental protection laws and regulations, dismantling of environmental policies, fire was set in Amazon and in Midwestern Brazil that have reached the highest levels in centuries. A relatively large group of Brazilian citizens and in other countries who said they did not believe on how risky Corona virus could be. They neither believe in press information nor insisted on crowding in bars, streets and beaches, as soon as these spaces were opened. We consider unthinkable and even irrational attitudes with scientific knowledge nowadays, since they put their lives and the population’s at risk. Future is the judge of all actions, therefore, the results will be known only tomorrow.The researchers who make up the International Research Network on Climate Resilient Development - RIPEDRC have not faded! They proposed themselves to overcome this challenge of seeking resilience and sustainability! So, with Faith in our life ideals and in a superior motivation that guides our steps and makes us overcome challenges, we have launched to public notices, investigated, questioned and disseminated knowledge supported by several projects, live lectures, events and workshops. They created programs, joint projects and online platforms were developed. In Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina Trinational Border region, the Western Paraná State University - UNIOESTE, was in charge or partner of many efforts, among which we highlight two experiences that RIPEDRC Network participants took part.